A Little About Us

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.


Entrepreneurship is the fuel that boosts the rocket of ideas and lands them on the practical world. It will not only contribute to the development of India but also help raise the quality of life in the country. With this belief The Entrepreneurship Cell, IIIT Surat aims to inculcate and nurture the raw ideas and skills of the students, willing to convert their ideas into product and to emerge as a leading entrepreneur which will benefit the nation as a whole and leads to India's global development.


Our mission is to unlock the latent innovative and inventive potential of the students by creating a pathway of various opportunities like orientation, interactive sessions with professionals, product development guidance, industrial and field contacts and the competitions to increase entrepreneurial skills. This will not only foster entrepreneurial thinking but also instill confidence in every student to convert their creativity into product to make people life easier and help grow India faster.


NEC Finalist among teams




Dedicated Team


Companies in Contact

Examples Of Excellence

People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.
Achievements below

  • NEC Finalist
  • Vysion Tech
    Vysion Technologies
  • kaspertech

From The Past

The golden and glittery wall of memories.


One of the most awaited event,that is, Orientation of RUMINATE,E-Cell of IIIT Surat was organised. Journey of how this cell was formed, the main idea behind the E-Cell and the vision, that is, to support future start-ups by connecting them with the resources that they need,was presented before the audience.

Director's Session

Prof. J.S. Bhatt, Director of IIIT Surat was invited to the orientation event of RUMINATE. He talked on how entrepreneurs and start-ups are changing and impacting the world. He also encouraged students to think of new ideas which could benefit the society.He also shared his past experience.

Movie Screening

A movie screening was organised for students which witnessed a strength 100+ budding entrepreneurs. The movie featured Steve Jobs,one of the most creative and iconic entrepreneur this world has ever seen. The movie inspired students to think creatively and also instilled a leadership sense in them.

Group discussion

Around 100+ students participated in group discussion. Students were divided into group and were given the task to come up with an idea that could be helpful to the society. This event helped opened their creative side and allowed them to ponder over solution to society's problem.

Online Competition

An online competition was conducted by RUMINATE in which students were asked to submit their case studies related to entrepreneurship. The response we got was overwhelming as we got around 50+ submissions on different topics.

Interactive Session

Mentorship is one of the most important part of entrepreneurship. The budding entrepreneurs were given a direction and guidance by their senior counterparts. This session witnessed questions like how to think out of the box, how to generate contacts and many more.

Meet The Team

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Nikhil VyasSecretary

Electronics and Communication Dept.

Yogesh PandeyJoint Secretary

Computer Science

Nikhil VyasSecretary
Yogesh PandeyJoint Secretary